Kata bijak adalah sebuah kata yang dapat meletupkan semangat kepada yang mendengar atau membacanya. Akan tetapi dalam perbedaan budaya dan bahasa pastilah ada beberapa ekspression yang berbeda. Dan bagi anda yang sedang mencari kata kata bijak dalam bahasa inggris saya berikan anda dafrtarnya sebagai berikut.
� Happy people is not a great man in every way, but one that can find simple things in life and give thanks diligent.
� Life is like a piano, white and black. If God play it, all will be a beautiful melody.
� Good friends who will not judge each other.
� Life is a game with obstacles encountered and when there is a chance, we have to seize it.
� Prudence in judging other people�s opinions is the hallmark of mental maturity.
� Real power does not hit hard, but right to the target.
� Do not judge a person from what he is doing, because you also have to know the reason why he is did it.
� Only the man who is in the truth is a free man.
� Every dark night is always followed by a beautiful morning.
� You do not live at once. You only die once and live every day.
� You will never know the true answer, before you try.
� Tranquility can be found when we are with God.
� If you want the respect of others, then respect yourself first.
� Nothing is impossible. Anything can happen as long as we believe.
� Do not blame your past, because the past will never change.
� Be the good, because God likes goodness.
� The more we are grateful, the more happiness we get.
� Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
� Courage is not the absence of fear. Brave man is not a man who no feel afraid, but he who succeeded in the face of fear.
� All people have lots of ways to tell stories, and have a different story to tell.
� The main purpose of life was to help others. If you can do not help them, at least we do not hurt them.
� The most powerful people are the people who trust and rely on God himself.
� Do not consider ourselves not able to before trying, learning, and practice.
� No need trying to be other people. Therefore, you are special and better than them.
� Do not mind those who are trying to bring you down. They do it because they have to be below you.
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